Reverse Unit Package

Reverse Unit Package

$200,000 (USD)

Available quantity:1


Reverse Unit Package Will Sell Individually or as a Package Located in West Texas Reverse Unit 12.7L Detroit Series 60 Engine w/ Turbocharger Allison 5 Speed Automatic Transmission EWS 440 Pump (Comes w/ 2” Steel Iron and Connections for 2-3/8” and 2-7/8” Tubing) $135,000 Swivel 2.5 Bowen Swivel w/ C5 Caterpillar Engine ( Comes w/ BIW Stripper Head and Bolts, 2 Stiff Arms, 2” - 6K Kelly Hose) 90 bbl Pit(steel) w/Gas Buster (Comes w/ 2- 4” Rubber suction Hoses, 3- 6K Kelly Hoses) $50,000 Reverse Pit $15,000 If you'd like additional information on this equipment, please call (855)MAKE-OIL or email now.


Stock NumberWS015JB